Mebhydrolin Napadisilate-impurities | Pharmaffiliates

Mebhydrolin Napadisilate

Mebhydrolin Napadisilate or mebhydroline is an antihistamine. It is used for symptomatic relief of allergic symptoms caused by histamine release, including nasal allergies and allergic dermatosis. Reference standards of Mebhydrolin Napadisilate API, and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Mebhydrolin Napadisilate - API Standards 
    [catalogue_number] => PA 13 2870000
    [category_ids] => ,75,76,78,70,82,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 841.05
    [form] => C48H48N4O6S2
    [cas] => 6153-33-9
    [pslug] => 6153-33-9-mebhydrolin-napadisilate-api-pa132870000
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PA 13 2870000

Mebhydrolin Napadisilate - API Standards

  • Catalogue No.:PA 13 2870000

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C48H48N4O6S2

  • Molecular Weight : 841.05