Flupentixol Hydrochloride-impurities | Pharmaffiliates

Flupentixol Hydrochloride

Flupentixol Hydrochloride is a drug used for treatment of schizophrenia, it belongs to the class of thioxanthenes. Flupentixol deconoate is administered in the form of injection which is used to treat Psychotic disorders Reference standards of Flupentixol Hydrochloride API, and its pharmacopeial, non pharmacopeial impurities, and stable isotopes are listed below.

stdClass Object
    [pname] => Flupentixol Hydrochloride - API Standards
    [catalogue_number] => PA 06 2150000
    [category_ids] => ,78,70,82,88,
    [chemical_name] => 
    [weight] => 470.98
    [form] => C23H26ClF3N2OS
    [cas] => 2651211-34-4
    [pslug] => 2651211-34-4-flupentixol-hydrochloride-api-standards-pa062150000
    [latest_product] => 0
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PA 06 2150000

Flupentixol Hydrochloride - API Standards

  • Catalogue No.:PA 06 2150000

  • CAS :


  • Molecular Formula : C23H26ClF3N2OS

  • Molecular Weight : 470.98